As an instructor I believe it is true that my students often learn some of their most valuable life skills in consideration of their horses. All horses require consideration and help from their riders, but those who are best at transporting a rider beyond their own selfishness are the complicated ones. In general lesson-herd-terms complicated horses are labeled “intermediate” or “advanced” mounts for a reason. They are not beginner “baby sitters”! These particular equines tend to be more sensitive and have greater intelligence and spirit. Their personalities are less sympathetically nurturing and more companionably challenging. This is what makes them fun!! At The S.E.C. we are proud owners of intermediate mount, Lady. And the attention that she requires to be ridden successfully is constantly teaching her riders amazing things about selflessness, bravery and consideration.
I can say truthfully that Lady is a “needy” horse. She needs a rider who has a solid sense of balance. She needs a rider who is tactfully polite. She needs a rider who can remain calm. She needs a rider who can be selfless and return to the boring old basics when she gets herself in a tizzy. You see, Lady requires a lot of consideration to be ridden successfully. She is extremely athletic, willing and responsive…. she also is easily overwhelmed by anxiety and excitement. This combination makes her a bold, talented and fun horse, but it can also turn a relaxed tidy little hop over a twelve inch cross rail into an intense chaotic vault over a “three foot” cross rail! For success Lady requires her riders to be calm and mature, constantly considering her state of mind and working to keep her stable, relaxed and happy.
It can be very disappointing when a lesson intended to be all about finally hopping over your first cross rail… turns into a lesson primarily involving the same old 20 meter trot circles and transition work to help your “crazy” horse relax and manage their emotions for success! At the same time, it can be very rewarding to know that you have maturely exercised patience and demonstrated consideration in an effort to help another towards success!! This was the lessons that, Katherine, one of Lady’s most dedicated admirers had to learn.
Katherine loved Lady’s spunk and enthusiasm from day one, and as a dancer she had the relaxation and balance required to rider her well. As of 2016 the two have been a successful team for almost four years! Katherine is a young lady with a desire to challenge herself as a rider. Way back in 2012 she set a goal for herself of learning how to jump with Lady.
Over the past three years Katherine has had to grow in maturity: practicing patience and diligence, putting in hard work, and learning how to be considerate. She learned that when Lady got excited and quick she needed to get calm and patient. She learned that when Lady got in a tizzy, we needed to go back to basic school figures to help her re-balance and re-focus. She learned that putting in hours of practice to develop a secure and balanced position helped Lady by minimizing unintentional leg and weight aids that Lady was very sensitive to. She learned that Lady is very responsive to her voice and will calm down quicker with vocal encouragement. (Lady learned a lot about how to consider her rider too!!) Together these two built a partnership of trust and learned to consider each other.
Today the two work together beautifully… and jumping is most definitely involved! (Katherine has even been able to take a few riding lessons on professionally trained hunt seat horses at a local stable.) The S.E.C. is so proud of her hard work and diligence. The two stand as a reminder that in the long run hard work and consideration will be rewarded… despite how discouraging life is in the moment.