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The Herd



Buckskin Quarter Horse Cross

Birthday:   9/7/2006

Service at Salem:  7/8/2012 – Present


Purchased for the Equestrian Program in 2012, Honey is the “young blood” in our herd.  At a solid, well-built 15.3 hands she services many of our larger riders.  Her gorgeous buckskin coloring and resemblance to Dreamworks' stallion, Spirit, make her a main attraction and instant favorite among Salem riders.  Honey comes from a caring family in Ohio and has proven to be an excellent beginner lesson horse.  She is extremely careful of, and attentive to her riders, and has a huge heart to please whoever is on her back!  A bit clumsy and goofy this mare’s curious and clever personality keeps staff on their toes!  She is quite the Houdini and can unclip or untie just about anything!  Honey is a faithful and expressive horse who will often greet the riders who work with her every week with a nuzzle or a nicker.  Honey’s breeding is a mystery but we suspect a bit of Tennessee Walker or Paso Fino.  She is a solid, steady and confident lesson horse.   Three words that best describe Honey are:  BEAUTIFUL, CURIOUS & ATTENTIVE.        

LADY (Rapts Little Rosebud)

Chestnut Quarter Horse Pony

Birthday:  2/3/1997

Service at Salem: 11/8/2009 – Present


Since her arrival at the Salem Therapeutic Riding Center in 2009 this little pony has established herself as our most versatile lesson horse.  Lady has successfully taught riders of all levels and disciplines with unflagging enthusiasm and energy.  She loves to trail ride and tote walk/jog beginner riders calmly around the arena. She is our "go to" equine for teaching beginners how to jump, and if you are an advanced rider she loves vaulting those three foot oxers and galloping cross country courses!  This little energizer bunny is fun to have in the stable!   Lady is a sensitive horse who has a lot to teach talented riders.  Three words that best describe Lady are:  ENERGETIC, SENSITIVE & HONEST.


Liver Chestnut Morgan/Quarter Horse

Birthday: 1991

Arrival at Salem: 1995 – Present


Braxton has served at Salem for most of his life and is our oldest lesson horse.  This athletic, talented, and extremely versatile gelding absolutely loves helping his riders perfect their skills.  He is capable of teaching Western Pleasure, English Equitation over fences, Trail Riding and Second Level Dressage.  Braxton is clever and affectionate, perfectly capable of pulling odd and endearing “Houdini” antics to get petted and scratched.  This fellow is the stable’s herd leader, and is respected by kids and horses alike for his fair and confiding demeanor.  As a very sensitive horse Braxton is quick and eager to please with an attentive rider and absolutely loves a challenge!  His favorite job is teaching intermediate riders the basics of the posting trot!  Three words that best describe Braxton are:  INTELLIGENT, ATHLETIC & CONFIDENT.

DUDLEY (Heza Snazzy Rascal)

Chestnut Quarter Horse

Birthday:  2/1/1997

Service at Salem:  7/18/2009 – Present


Dudley was donated by a friend of the Salem Therapeutic Riding Center in 2009 when the onset of a degenerative hoof disease limited his show career.  His former owner stated that they had a blast together on trail rides, but she knew, “he was looking for a home with lots of kids!”  This calm, kind, loveably lazy gentle giant has thrived in our program as a beginner lesson horse.  Dudley has been a faithful “steady eddy” for the program.    His personality makes him the ideal match for any rambunctious child!  He excels at teaching riders how to be effective (and in strengthening leg muscles).  As an expressive individual, Dudley is more than willing to carry on a conversation of whistles, clicks, nickers and other indescribable noises!  Three words that best describe Dudley are:  GENTLE, BIG & LAID BACK.



Quarter Horse

Birthday: 4/28/2005  

Service at Salem: 5/23/2016 - Present  


Jackson loves to be the first horse to greet any visitor at the barn! He is friendly and sweet, but can also be very timid at times. Jackson is a very intelligent horse, and is very willing to learn. He will investigate just about anything, and quickly decide whether or not the situation is safe. Jackson is still the "little brother" of the barn, keeping everyone else young and fun! He likes to romp around the pasture every now and then, but also seeks comfort from his more experienced companions when he finds something particularly scary. 

Three words that have been used to describe Jackson are: INTELLIGENT, CURIOUS, & SENSITIVE


Spring 2019 (1).JPG

REESE (Pinky Promise)

Quarter Horse

Birthday: 4/05/2012  

Service at Salem: May 2019 - Present


Reese loves attention and her beautiful coloring and friendly demeanor usually means she gets a lot of it! In her time before Salem, Reese was owned by a member of our SEC team and competed in hunter/jumper competitions. She has beautiful and flashy movements under saddle and is slowly working her way into out program with our more advanced student riders. 

Three words that have been used to describe Reese are: BOLD, INQUISITIVE, & BEAUTIFUL


JOSÉ (José’s Pocket)

Chestnut Quarter Horse

Birthday:  Unknown

Service at Salem: 6/20/2012 – Present


José is a sleek and shiny chestnut gelding recently retired from a successful show career.  Donated to us by a local friend in 2012, this professionally trained and highly talented fellow is a joy to have in our program!  He comes from a family who valued him as a companion.  His former owner attests to his caring personality by sharing memories of how he would drop his head really low so her small daughters could lead him in showmanship classes without having to stretch.  “It was the cutest thing ever! He was the best horse we ever had and one of the saddest days in my life was saying farewell to him, but I thank God he can be a blessing to others and help give some joy!” she says.  Today José continues to demonstrate a desire to babysit riders and help them succeed.  His favorite lessons to teach are first trot and first canter, where he pulls out his smooth as glass western gaits.   José’s welcoming and patient nature, along with his experience, make him the perfect confidence building ride.  He loves to be groomed and will often doze off while being brushed!  Three words that best describe José are:   CAREFUL, WILLING & HUMBLE.


Tri-Color Paint Pony

Birthday:  5/3/1996

Service at Salem:   7/16/2007 - 1/28/2019


In loving memory of a horse who gave his all; who loved, and was loved by many.

SUN (Sunspot)

Skewbald Paint Pony

Birthday: 1985

Service at Salem: 1988 - 1/28/2019



In loving memory of a horse who dedicated a lifetime to serving children with grace and enthusiasm.


Palomino Belgian Draft

Birthday: Unknown

Service at Salem: 1/22/2007-3/15/2011


In loving memory of a horse who served faithfully and willingly in his old age.

        ANGEL (Beaver's Angel Eyes)

Buckskin Tobiano Paint

Birthday: 2/28/1984

Service at Salem: 2/28/2009 - 8/15/2013


In loving memory of a horse who served with excellence & enthusiasm in her old age despite disabilities

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605 Salem Drive, Frostburg, MD 21532

© 2016 Salem Therapeutic Riding Center

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