Working together for a better tomorrow!
The Salem Equestrian Center is a subsidiary of The Maryland Salem Children’s Trust, INC located in the rolling hills of Garrett County, Maryland.
The Salem Equestrian Center is a CHA Accredited riding facility offering unique experiential learning Equestrian Programs. It provides a safe, positive, encouraging and family-friendly environment. Both the art of horsemanship and the success of individual participants are important to us. Our certified Instructors teach a classically compassionate approach to riding in a variety of disciplines while imparting a deeper understanding of trust, responsibility, healthy leadership, and excellent communicational skills! Founded and operating on Christian principles, The Salem Equestrian Center’s goal is to contribute positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being of all participants. Come join us for some good old fashion horse-y fun!
The Salem Equestrian Center has been an accredited riding facility through the Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) for over fifteen years! We place a high emphasis on the safety of our riders. All instructors are highly experienced, educated and active riders who maintain CHA Instructor Certifications.

“Horses understand me better than people do. I just love grooming them and working with them and spending time down at the barn.”
- Natasha

“I’ve learned to overcome my fears. When I first started riding I was afraid of the horses. They were sooooo big. Now I just love working with them!”