Riding Lessons - Services and Prices

Private 1 hour 1 rider $40.00
Private ½ hour 1 rider** $25.00
Semi-Private 1 hour 2 riders $30.00/ea.
Group 1 hour 3-4 riders $25.00/ea.
** Only offered for children under the age of 10.
Un-Mounted Lessons
Private ½ hour 1 participant $25.00
Private 1 hour 1 participant $50.00
These lessons were developed for those who do not wish to ride or are unable to ride but would like to be around horses. Topics covered may include basic equine health care and stable care, round penning techniques, simple equine massage techniques and additional un-mounted activities.
Trail Rides
Group 1 hour* 2-5 riders $50.00/rider
Group 1.5 hours* 2-5 riders $65.00/rider
Group 2 hours* 2-5 riders $80.00/rider
*All group trail rides include a half hour of basic riding instruction involving how to stop, start and steer a horse, in the riding arena before riders are permitted on the trails. Therefore a one hour trail ride will involve only a half hour on the trails etc.
The Salem Equestrian Center is located on 380 acres of wooded private property. We maintain a snug eight horse stable, small indoor riding arena (60’x80’) for winter weather riding, large outdoor riding arena (60’x120’) and extensive trail systems!
To all our riders we offer the chance to enjoy riding both indoors and outdoors. In arena lessons participants will learn the art of classical horsemanship and the simple basics of communicating with a horse. On the trail riders will get to enjoy traveling through old Hemlock forests, up and down mountains or around Wolf Swamp Lake!